Best Black Seed oil in the world cold pressed from Organic Nigella Sativa seeds

How Black Seed Oil Benefits your Health and Beauty 

Black seed oil benefits are widely known and used for several health and beauty regimes. Extraction of oil from the seeds of Nigella sativa provides black seed oil. It is native to southwest Asia and some parts of the Middle East. 

The shrub of black seed bears fruits that have tiny black seeds. These seeds have been in use for ages, dating back to over 2000 years. In fact, archaeologists were able to find the black seeds in the tomb of King Tut. 

In the Asian kitchen, black seeds have a special place as it's in use in several Indian cuisine and recipes such as pickles, curry, and even flavoured bread. However, this super seed has a bitter taste compared to that of cumin or oregano. 

The black seed oil has antioxidants that aid relief of inflammation inside the body. Some additional names of this super ingredient include, 

  • Kalonji
  • Black caraway
  • Black cumin
  • Black onion seed 

The black seeds are cold-pressed to extract the oil, and the oil helps treat many ailments such as asthma, diabetes, weight loss, skincare, and even fight cancer-causing toxins. 

Today, when most people seek natural ingredients in their beauty products, black seed oil's beauty benefits are no longer a secret. 

Several trusted natural beauty brands use kalonji in their moisturizers or cream. Not just for your precious skin, you can reap black seed oil benefits for a healthy hair routine as well. It has the potential to moisturize dry hair and even prevent premature greying. 

Black Seed Oil Health Benefits

Although research on kalonji benefits is limited, there is evidence that it may offer certain benefits. Here we share some of the black seed oil health benefits:

  • Help in Controlling Diabetes

Black seed oil may help keep diabetes in control. According to a 2015 review in Complementary Therapies in Medicine, it improves blood sugar and controls cholesterol.


  • Good for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Treating rheumatoid arthritis is another of many kalonji health benefits. Taking kalonji can help in reducing the symptoms of arthritis, reduce swelling in joints, and reduce the blood levels of inflammatory markers . You can shop for black seed oil online. It is also available in capsule form.

  • Help in curing Asthma

Black seed oil can also help in curing asthma and has anti-inflammatory properties that may improve asthmatic symptoms. Besides, it can also aid in reducing inflammation in the airways that help with bronchitis symptoms. 

  • Good for High blood pressure

Taking kalonji extracts for two months has been shown to reduce high blood pressure in people whose blood pressure gets mildly elevated. 

  • Help to fix upset stomach

One of the many kalonji health benefits is settling an upset stomach. Including black seeds in your diet relieves stomach problems such as pain and cramps. It can also reduce gas, stomach bloating, and specific issues related to ulcers.

Black Seed Oil Beauty Benefits

People nowadays are mindful of the side effects of chemically-laden skin and hair care products; they are more inclined to find an effective and safe ingredient that can help in topical use to get clearer and healthy-looking skin. 

Black caraway seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals, antibacterial fatty acids, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory. Regular consumption and application of black seeds or its oil can provide you with the following beauty benefits:

  • Help fight acne and inflammation

One of the best beauty benefits is it helps fight acne and inflammation. Its antibacterial properties work to reduce bacteria causing acne. It also helps reduce the skin's pores and control the oil in your face. Not just that, if you deal with redness, the black seed, and its oil is something you should not miss out on. 

  • Assist in removing fine lines and age spots

The oil is blessed with over 100 vitamins and minerals, including A, B, and C, enabling the skin to retain elasticity and moisture and fight free radicals that leave aging spots on your skin. Also, it boosts fatty acids into your skin that can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. 

  • Help to fight eczema

Black cumin seed oil is a powerful eczema fighter, and with its anti-inflammatory properties, these excellent oil help soothe eczema symptoms. It helps treat rashes and lightening pigmentation. 

Black seed oil is available in various strengths such as a mild form, high strength or medium strength.

Tasty ways to Include black seed oil in your diet

Indians for ages have been deriving kalonji benefits and use it to expand their palate. If you want to include the black seed into your recipes, this is how you can do it:

  • Use it like pepper in recipes with salads and poultry, pod fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • Toast and sprinkle over biscuits and bagels
  • Toast and sprinkle over flatbreads 
  • Add to curries, fries, and soups
  • Or use them as seasonings like mustard, fennel, and cumin seeds. 

You can purchase black seed oil online or at any pharmacy or grocery store near you. Go for food-grade black seed oil if you want to apply it on skin and hair. They are also available as capsules that you can consume every day. 

Visit us at priddyfairnutrition to check out all our natural high-quality products.

Note: These statements are for educational purposes. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. 

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