Organic Unrefined Cane sugar SUCANAT/RAPADURA 1KG( Free UK Delivery)
This is Sucanat, which is Organic Soft Whole Cane sugar with all the nutrients intact Obtained through a four-step process including extraction, clarification, concentration and crystallization of juice from organic certified sugar cane
- With this natural process of extraction, all the vitamins and minerals are retained, giving a golden brown color with a strong molasses, caramel, malted flavor.
It is the most UN-processed sugar of all. Sucanat/Rapadura is simply dehydrated unrefined sugar cane juice.
- Delicious Organically grown Whole Cane Sugar
- Unrefined and Unbleached
- Contains all the minerals and nutrients in Sugar Cane
- Less calories than regular sugar
Our Priddyfair Nutrition brand is of premium quality, In fact we're so confident in our products that we even offer a 30-day 100% Money back guarantee.
Features & details
- Delicious Whole Cane Sugar: Unrefined organic cane sugar is delicious in baked goods in your tea or coffee.
- Unrefined, Dehydrated sugar can juice : Soft Whole Cane sugar with all the nutrients intact Obtained through a four-step process including extraction, clarification, concentration and crystallization of juice from organic certified sugar cane With this natural process of extraction, all the vitamins and minerals are retained, giving a golden brown colour with a strong molasses, caramel, malted flavour.
- Used in Body Scrubs: Rapadura Brown Sugar can be used in facial and body scrubs, Contains all the minerals and nutrients in Sugar Cane
- Less calories than regular sugar, Perfect for making Kefir water, Sucanat provides the necessary nutrients to make water kefir grains flourish and grow.
- Organically grown: Unrefined and Unbleached Sucanat / Rapadura is simply organic cane sugar juice that is dehydrated to form sugar crystals with all the nutrients and molasses intact.